Inktober 2019
- Nov 10, 2019
- By Stephan Lorse
- In Allgemein, English, Private Project
I participated in Inktober again and survived with 31 drawings, this year all traditional with real ink. A first for me! If you want to follow my future Inktober projects,…
I opened a shop!
- Nov 09, 2018
- By Stephan Lorse
- In English, Private Project
During the inktober drawing challenge, I got several requests to sell my drawings as art prints. Since then, I saw more and more people mentioning their online shops, which made…
Inktober 2018: Free eBook
- Nov 05, 2018
- By Stephan Lorse
- In Allgemein, English
Inktober is a great month! Every year I get this strong sense of working alongside so many awesome artists. Artists I admire and those I discover every year due to…
- Jan 07, 2018
- By Stephan Lorse
- In Deutsch, Private Project
2009 entschied sich der Illustrator Jake Parker dazu den Oktober über, jeden Tag ein Bild mit Tusche zu zeichnen. Er Sein Plan war es eine Routine zu schaffen um seine Fertigkeiten…
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